Domain services for conscious businesses and organizations

Domain names are business-critical assets, and they make up the hub of the digital presence for companies and organizations. They are crucial for the online availability and provide the very base for the digital infrastructure with email and web addresses. By choosing the right domain name you can strengthen your brand online – and decrease the risk of your business being targeted by digital fraud, threats, and infringement.

In the digital world, domain names become important parts in creating local accessibility in different countries, but also to protect your brand against various digital intrusions and threats.

What domain names does your business need? Among other things, it depends on your brands and on which geographical markets you are active. Your domain name portfolio should protect your interests against infringement and threats, while also support both availability and growth – for example by being adapted to suit your target group or for generating traffic from search engines.


A domain name ( consists of a word or a string of words (dotkeeper), which in turn is followed by a top-level domain (.com). In order to register a domain name, you need to adhere to the rules for the respective top-level domains. Each top-level domain has its own rules for registering a domain name with them. Some country domains, for example, require that you have a local presence (that is, a local company) or a proof of trademark ownership, in order to be allowed to register a domain name under that extension.

Do you want to secure the management of your domain names? If yes, our needs-oriented domain management is a perfect fit – read more under Domain Management.

Interested and want to know more? Please, feel free to contact us!

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Domain Name

Domain services for conscious businesses and organizations

Domain Names
Domain Management

Are you looking for a secure and strategic way to manage your domain names? A digital presence that is in line with brand strategy, business goals, and other needs is a cornerstone of being a successful business today. At the same time, safe management of your domain names is central to avoiding administrative burdens, risks, and cyber frauds.By managing your domains with a secure and proactive partner, you protect your brand’s trust, reputation and value.Our market-leading domain experts help you manage, protect and grow your digital presence. It saves time and costs – and increases company value. Ensure renewals and create a portfolio that adds value through smart domain management With Domain Management we manage your valuable domain name portfolios in a smart manner – secure, strategic, and with access to our appreciated support. The service suits you who want to keep your company safe from the pitfalls of domain management and simultaneously maximize your portfolio value.Our experienced domain experts take a strategic and holistic approach to your domain portfolio and secure your domain names with an efficient safety net. This eliminates risks associated with, for example, renewals and management, and gives you time to focus on developing your core business.Dotkeeper manages all open top-level domains in the world. We protect your brand and important domain names in a manner that supports your future business plans. We get to know your organization, provide education for you and your colleagues, and work strategically with you to ensure that you have the right domain names.The result is secure domain management that saves time and money – and helps you protect and strengthen your brand online. This way, you give your business the best possible settings for meeting the future. Contact us, and we will help you with a holistic approach to your domains. This is what you get when having Dotkeeper as your domain partner:

Domain Names
Register domain names

Domain names are the hub of your digital presence and are crucial for building a strong brand online. Which domain names your company needs depends, among other things, on your brands and on which geographical markets you are active. Your domain name portfolio should protect your business while also supporting your company’s growth and online accessibility. This is achieved by, for example, generating the right web traffic from search engines and making adaptions for your target group.When you launch new trademark, it is therefore important that you early on register the right domain names according to a deliberate strategy and process. Otherwise, there is a risk that another party monitors your legal trademark applications or domain registrations to register domains in your name for some speculative purpose. Third-party domain registrations are one of the most common threats for brand owners today.Dotkeeper registers with all open top-level domains in the world. We can also help you register domain names for specific country domains, even if your company is not locally active today. Read more about our service Local Presence.‍ Do you want help to choose and register domain names for your company? Contact us today!

Domain Names
Domain Acquisition

There are several crucial steps that need to run without a hitch when a domain changes owner. When you want to buy an already taken domain name, our experienced domain experts help you through all the stages of the process, ensuring everything is done properly and helping you to a successful deal.We contribute with, among other things, tactics, market analysis, valuation, secure payment management, the technical transfer of your domain name, and the legal ownership shift. We are there to help you the whole way, from identifying the current owner to the technical transfer of the domain name.Dotkeeper’s consultants are among the most hired in Sweden. We daily manage purchases and sales of domain names on the After market for domain names all over the world and can help you tackle the most common pitfalls. Our satisfied customers appreciate not least the personal guidance and the service that ensures that the deal is always safe and secure. Read more about domain acquisition, the domain name after market and valuation. Should we help you acquire your important domain names? Contact us today! 

Domain Names
Domain Strategy

Domain strategy and domain policy The right domains are business-critical assets. They protect and strengthen your brands while also enabling online availability, traffic from search engines, and expansion. The choice of the names in your portfolio should be in agreeance with your business goals, your target group, your marketing plan, and for supporting your company digitally and protect against infringement and threats. A well thought through domain strategy and domain policy ensure that you have the right domain portfolio to protect your business and that your domains are securely managed. This is included in Domain Strategy Dotkeeper maps the conditions for your domain portfolio based on where you are today – and where you are going. We draw up a plan of action and a prioritizing strategy, based on data from among other things target group usage, search volumes, second-hand market sales, qualified tools, customer due diligence, and experience. You get advice regarding what domain names you should keep, sell, purchase, or register, as well as how you can better protect your brand digitally through adequate monitoring services and similar. To sum it up: you get a strategy based on your needs and which considers returns and security versus effort and cost. You also get a Domain Policy – a valuable internal regulatory document with guidelines for how to manage your domains as securely and efficiently as possible. If the domain strategy answers the question of why, and the domain policy answers the question of how. Domain Strategy – This is what the process looks like: The process can differ from company to company, but usually, the following steps are part of it: Step 1: Mapping the current situationStep 2: Workshop (2 h), in which it is suitable for all involved parts on your side to participate. Usually, these are representatives from the Marketing, IT, and Legal departments.Step 3: Strategy & Policy are developed based on steps 1 and 2.Step 4: Review and possible adjustments of Strategy & Policy.Step 5: Running updates of Strategy & Policy – should take place yearly, at a minimum. Is it time to take your domain strategy to the next level? Please, feel free to contact us!

Domain Names
Local Presence

Each top-level domain has its own rules for registering a domain name with that specific top-level domain. A demand made by several country-code top-level domains is that the domain should be registered to local businesses – a so-called local presence. The local presence-demand varies between different country-code top-level domains and can entail different sorts of local connections. In some cases, you are required to have a trademark registered in the specific country. With Dotkeeper’s service Local Presence, we ensure that you fulfill the requirements for registration in these cases and that you remain the owner of the domain names. Do you want help with local presence for country-code top-level domains? Contact us today!

Domain Names
Domain Valuation

Domain names are assets that are difficult to value. To keep it short and simple, one can say that a domain name is worth what the buyer is prepared to pay at a given point in time, but also parameters such as top-level domains and marketing potential make a difference. Our domain experts will help you make a qualified domain name valuation, so you can enjoy a successful transaction when buying or selling a domain name. Your domain names are some of your company’s most important assets. When you are selling your domain, or buying someone else’s, it is important to understand its value in order to strike a good deal.Dotkeeper assists with current advice and consultation when buying or selling domain names on the second-hand market. Our domain experts have several years’ experience making qualified valuations of domains, and they can help you land a successful deal.When we valuate domain names, to make an accurate valuation we look at, among other things, search volume data, TLD, and statistics from similar sales. After that, if you want help to sell or buy the domain name, our experts help you onwards.An expert valuation with an accompanying certificate via Dotkeeper costs SEK 5390 ex VAT. Are you buying or selling a domain name? Contact us today and we will help you with the valuation!