Protecting Your Brand – The Importance of Domain Watch Services

Is your brand prepared to combat digital infringements?

Don’t let third-party domain registrations threaten your brand’s reputation and financial stability. Watch this video to discover how AWA I Dotkeeper’s domain watch services can help you protect your brand in the digital space. Stay ahead of the game and safeguard your brand identity today!

Digital infringements and more specifically, third party domain name registrations are one of the most common threats that brand owners have today. These domains can be used for a suite of malicious activities, such as phishing, distribution of malware or sale of counterfeit goods. And this, in turn, of course, can cause irreparable damage to brand reputation and also large monetary losses.

Companies of all sizes risk third party domain name registrations using exact or close variations of their registered trademarks. And the domain watch service can significantly help identify and enforce against this. It’s vital for all companies to create a clean and clear digital presence by building a strong core portfolio and adding a domain watch service on top.

AWA I Dotkeeper offers a range of services designed to help companies defend their rights in the digital space and help them quickly identify and enforce when an infringement happens.