We are proud to inform you that Dotkeeper has become a Dagens industri Gazelle company this year. Since 2000, Dagens Industri (DI) has been celebrating
the fastest growing companies in Sweden with the award “Gasellföretag”. Less than 1% of Sweden’s companies meet the criteria, according to DI.

A Gasell Company has:

*A turnover exceeding 10 million Swedish kronor.
*At least ten employees.
*At least doubled its turnover, comparing the first and last fiscal year during this period.
*Increased its turnover every year over the past three years.
*A positive overall operating profit for the last four fiscal years.
*Essentially grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers.
*Healthy finances.

We at Dotkeeper are very happy and proud of this award and would like to extend a big thank you to the Dotkeeper team, our customers and partners, who are all part of our journey. We do this together!

Read more about DI Gasell here (in Swedish)!